Thanksgiving Humor

Monday, October 22, 2012
Posted by Taz

Somewhere... a turkey works on her bucket list.

For the first time, we are going to have a HAPPY Thanksgiving. This year, I am stuffing the turkey with Prozac!

Thanksgiving--Family Dysfunction at its very best

Gobble until you wobble !!!

Time to do the gobble wobble while shakin' and bakin' then waddle and roll... lots and lots of rolls lol Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

First we stuff the turkey, then the turkey stuffs us. "What goes around comes around."

When the kitchen smells spicy and wonderful, it can only mean one thing ... It's not my kitchen. lol Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Thanksgiving: the one holiday where stuffing bread crumbs up a dead birds butt is considered acceptable

I Am Thankful for what I have... and for what I've Escaped!!! lol Have A Safe And Enjoyable Thanksgiving All!!!

A lady was looking for a turkey but couldn't find one big enough she asked the stock boy Do these turkeys get any bigger? The stock boy replied No they're dead.

May your turkey be plump,May your potatoes & Gravy have never a lump, May your pies take the prize. And may your Thanksgiving Dinner stay off your thighs

What did the turkey say before it was roasted? Boy I'm stuffed.


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